Home Improvement 101

Home improvement

Home improvement is a term used to describe any project that makes an existing home more attractive or comfortable. This can include anything from adding rooms or renovating interior spaces to repairing or improving the exterior of the property (such as masonry, concrete, roofing or siding).

It’s often expensive, but home improvements can add value and make your house more appealing to potential buyers. In fact, homeowners recoup on average 74 cents for every dollar they spend on home improvements when selling their homes.

How to Improve Your Home

Before you start any renovations, it’s important to plan what you want to accomplish and how much the job will cost. This will allow you to easily negotiate with contractors and lock in firm prices. It will also help you to avoid unscrupulous contractors who will try to convince you that additional work is needed.

How to Find a Contractor

The best way to choose a contractor is to ask for referrals or reviews from other customers. It’s also a good idea to check their credentials and experience.

You may also want to check the Better Business Bureau’s complaints record to see if there have been any issues with the company. Finally, ensure that any contracts are in writing and signed by the consumer.

It’s also a good idea to do a walk-through with your contractors before they begin their work. This will give you a chance to look over their progress and point out any problems that need to be addressed.

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